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From Fallout New Brunswick
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Welcome to the Fallout: New Brunswick Wiki

The Fallout: New Brunswick Wiki is the official repository of all information pertaining to the eponymous TTRPG setting. FNB is primarily developed for use with the the TarnishedTale Ruleset and Fallout 2d20 RPG. Except as noted, most races, equipment, and items referenced for the setting should use your system's defaults; this setting material is largely concerned with flavour and worldbuilding rather than designing engines from whole cloth.

While the brunt of the global destruction of the Great War was born by the Lower 48, the US Annexation of Canada nevertheless made it a target of nuclear annihilation. Given that it contained the Pre-Annexation Canada's Largest Army Base, perhaps this is no small surprise. In the years that have followed the Akkadie Wasteland has taken on new life as surviving Vault Dwellers, Pointers, Loyalists, and other independant survivor factions take back the surface, its rolling hills, forests, and rivers from the devastation of the Great War. Of late, the arrival of the Northeastern Brotherhood of Steel has stirred up conflict, given their investigation of certain pre-War sites, and interference with communities in the region.

Given these conflicts, no one faction has gained governmental authority over the entire region, instead with outlying settlements beholden in one way or another to the major settlements: