The Point
"The problem with legends is that they don't always line up from place to place"
- Scribe Harlequin Danse
The contents of this article have not been checked against the existing Fallout canon.
The Point is the Pointer capital, built in and around the ruins of the pre-war city of Point Lepreau, with resettlement of the area having begun in 2130, following the arrival of the Maston Party in the region. Prior to the war, the city was the location of the Point Lepreau Nuclear Generating Station. Unlike the other major faction capitals, The Point does not control a large number of subordinate settlements; the only other settlements in the region being Vault 1113 (which is unaffiliated) and Camp Can-Do.
Background[edit | edit source]
Pre-War[edit | edit source]
Before the Great War, the Point was not actually incorporated as a settlement, but was the facilities of the Point Lepreau Nuclear Generating Station. Initially, the facility stood as a Fission generation plant, but after the Annexation of Canada, General Atomics purchased the facility and much of the surrounding area, installing two new fusion generators, to power the greater maritime region and fill demand for energy following the explosive growth of the nearby major cities.
Re-Settlement[edit | edit source]
On August 1, 2130, a party of travellers lead by Alexander Maston arrived in the area of the point after being run off from the distant town of Charlotte - Alexander and every other member of his party were Ghouls. Immune to - and in some cases, empowered by - the ambient radiation, Alexander and his fellow travellers established the town of The Point in the ruins of the former generation station and became known as the first Pointers. Since then the town has gained a reputation throughout the Acadia Wasteland for dealing fairly with ghouls and is the only settlement in the area to actually have a majority-ghoul population, with some human settlers having established themselves in the less-contaminated portions of the area.
Given the high radiation of certain portions of the site and the broader overall concern of safety with regard to Feral Ghouls, but 2150, the Pointers established the sub-community of Camp Can-Do in the quarries originally dug to dispose of the former CANDU fission generators. Camp Can-Do serves as a guarded and secure retreat for Feral Ghouls, attended to by the Councillors, who see to their needs and welfare and help those who feel they are approaching the transition into ferae naturae make peace with their impending change.
Society[edit | edit source]
In spite of best efforts to prevent it, The Point is a largely segregated society - large sections of the facilities that the city has been built from are too contaminated for all but the hardiest human wastelanders to inhabit. This naturally has created a bit of a class system between the Ghoul and non-Ghoul residents of the town. This is further enforced by the existence of the Councillors, whose role is both practical and cultural, but who, by the nature of their work, can only be ghouls - even if non-ghouls could withstand the elevated radiation of Camp Can-Do, they would be attacked by the feral denizens of the location.
The Pointers are also largely at odds with most of the other factions in the Acadia Wasteland, in particular the recently-arrived Northeastern Brotherhood of Steel, and even their human affiliates occasionally are turned away from other settlements as a result. This has created an insular, shared identity among the Pointers, but combined with the issue of access has been leading to a general decline in the non-Ghoul population of the Point.
Layout[edit | edit source]
Points of Interest[edit | edit source]
Key Figures[edit | edit source]
- Alexander Maston - Mayor and Founder